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Latex chest harness-top Bird TwoSided

Latex chest harness-top Bird TwoSided

Thank you very much for shopping at TwoSided.

Latex hest harness-top Bird pack contents:
HUD controller with 8 basic latex colors for front and straps & 4 colors for metal rings/clasps.
Tops for bodies in the description.
AD Picture.
This product is a 100% original, mesh design with enabled materials.
All Items are only copy/no transfer/no mod.

Sizes :
1. Belleza Jake
2. Signature Gianni
3. Legacy male
4. Maitreya Lara with V-tech boi chest
5. Kario fit
6. Maitreya Lara with flatchest
7. Kario flex
8. Signature Davis

PLEASE, try the DEMO version before buying !

High resolution picture: https://www.flickr.com/photos/sunnyflowers/52502893090/in/dateposted/

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If you like the product – write a review.
Instead write a bad review, please send me a IM or Notecard and I will do my best to solve the problem. If you need help or have delivery issue, in-world contact is Sunny Flowers (ljutaptica resident).

See item in Second Life
  • 8 mesh tops for bodies in description
  • Color HUD
  • Picture
  • Notecard