Comes with no visual artifacts while LOD's changing (for most users) due to custom hand-made LOD's. This item is also scale resistant - meaning that it can be scaled up with no significant increase in Land Impact.
3 AO texture
3 Diffuse texture
Comes as 1 mesh object.
All textures are 1024 x 1024 px
Handmade LOD
Handmade Physics
Land Impact with Physics: 3
Land Impact without Physics: 3
Texture Faces:3
By buying this you agree to use it for your personal use or in your builds, not to distribute this item for free or with full permissions or copy/transfer permissions.
Great Value
as the others already said, this is not impervious to stretching. The LI doubles if you make it even a little bit larger so the listing is misleading. That is the reason for 4 stars instead of 5. I found the maps very easy to work with and the rugs came out beautiful. Great value for the price
Looks good!
Yep, as others have noted the LI does increase with upscaling. However, I've been using these at the size intended and find them great for my needs. Adds snuggly looking layers to your builds. There's a tiny boop on one of them, which isn't a dealbreaker for me. Just looks a little odd at a certain angle. I found the AOs easy to use and have enjoyed using these in my creations. Thank you!
Scaling up increases LI
The product desc claims increasing size doesn't increase LI but it does... do not recommend if you want to make them larger...