Demo available InWorld store
20 Colours Dress & Neckalce ~ individual changing colors
Glitter Dress
Hud Driven
FitMesh for mesh avatars
☻ 1 Fitted Mesh for Maitreya
☻ 1 Fitted Mesh for , Freya
☻ 1 Fitted Mesh for Slink - Hourglass
☻ 1 Fitted Mesh for Legacy
Free Demo available InWorld store - Please try the Demo before buy
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This Dress Should Come With a Warning Label
This Dress Should Come With a Warning Label because if you have anywhere from 60 to max breast size wearing this you will look so hot others will defenatly want you...i bought this the other day and today a girl i work with told me she saw me in it and wants me so bad ( her words.."
wanted you so much seeing you in that glitter dress yesterday") The warning Should advise ..WEARING THIS OUTFIT WILL MAKE OTHERS WANT YOU .....IN A GOOD WAY..AND GET READY FOR YOUR TIP JAR TO BREAK AT REACHING 1000L wearing it...happened to me.