G General

*League* Alessa - Lelutka Applier - Sunkiss

*League* Alessa - Lelutka Applier - Sunkiss

*League* Alessa - Lelutka Applier - Sunkiss

Image shown may not be tone selected - try the Demo to select your tone.

The skins include 2 Variations (A) & (B) to cater to more Lelutka heads, but are based on (A) Greer and (B) Spencer.
Updated to include BoM Layers! You can use BoM layers with any Bakes on Mesh head and body item, but the look may vary.

5 Brow options: Black, Red, Brown, Blonde & No brow
5 Lipglosses
5 Eyeshadows
5 Eyeliners
2 Moles options
2 Freckles options

BoM Tattoo Layers are Mod/Copy, Skins & Huds are Copy - If using Hud, makeup layers can be tinted or faded using the Lelutka Hud