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Lean on Wall - Oak Barrels

Lean on Wall - Oak Barrels
Lean on Wall - Oak Barrels
0 Reviews

Lean on Wall - Oak Barrels

Useful and low prim decor for use outside a store or to show you are waiting for another. Lean against the wall casually and watch the passers by.

Mixes and matches well with any items for a Farm, Wharf, Back Alley or Tavern. Modern to Medieval this Barrel set has many possibilities.

It's great atmosphere for any sim owner building a Rustic themed sim.

Modify and Transfer. You can adjust the pose ball to suit your avatar or remove a prim or 2 if needed.

Please enjoy.

tagPirate tagFantasy tagMedieval tagSteampunk tagGoth

See item in Second Life
  • Decorative Barrels with animated Pose
  • Simple rustic decoration
  • Functional and Decorative for many themed settings

L$ 125

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Frosty Insoo - Savage
Frosty Insoo - Savage
Sold by: Frosty Insoo

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  • User Licensed
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Land Impact: 7