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~Libertine~ Love Thoughts, 2016 Version 1.0

~Libertine~ Love Thoughts, 2016

The Love Thoughts Set contains a few formats to display some of my favorite quotes relating the sentiment known as Love. You can customize the books by putting your own picture on the right page while scrolling quotes on the left. Make a statement by displaying words nobody will ever read in a dark corner of your decadent manor.

- Includes: Scroll (1li), Book on Table (4li), Book (2Li)
- Permissions: copy/modify/NOTRANSFER
- 14 Quotes, Change by Touch,
- Customizable right page
- Updates available
- Non-original Mesh, quality verified templates.
- Original texturing and materials.


Dear Customer,
Please contact my CSR Sonya Marmurek if you have any doubts and need any information -before- your purchase, we will be happy to answer any concern and clarification. Thank you in advance for checking my creations and your patronage,
Alia Baroque

See item in Second Life
  • Includes: Scroll (1li), Book on Table (4li), Book (2Li)
  • 14 Quotes, Change by Touch,
  • a Libertine's style