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**Mesh enabled Viewer required!**

Try this DEMO before purchasing so you can see how it fits you. The DEMO is no mod, but the full version is also modifyable, so you can color tint the hair.

The full version includes a HUD Texture Changer for ease of use.

About Rigged Mesh:
Mesh that is "rigged" means it will move with your body much more than normal prims. It also means that you cannot resize it however, so it is one-size-fits-most.

If it does not fit you, you can try:
1. Wear the Head Alpha texture provided.
2. Wear the Hair Base
3. Alter your head shape a little. This would most likely be the Forehead angle, or Head Shape, but you can try other sliders too.

  • Rigged Mesh
  • Modifyable- so you can color tint
  • Includes HUD for bandana-5 different pattern colors and 9 solids!

L$ 0

Get the full version
Sold by: Krystal Silverweb

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This item will be delivered directly to you or a friend in Second Life, unpacked and ready to use. No land or sandbox required.

This item contains wearable items for your avatar.

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  • User Licensed
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Mesh: 100% Mesh