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Lilith's Den - Autumn Tumble 2 FATPACK * Version 2023

Lilith's Den - Autumn Tumble 2  FATPACK *


copy mod
custom mesh

LD Autumn Tumble [ c r y s t a l ]
LD Autumn Tumble [ a u t u m n ]
LD Autumn Tumble [ f r o s t y ]
LD Autumn Tumble [ m e t a l l i c ]

ns = no scripts

You can unlink the single parts if you like or link several together.
Note, to copy unscripted objects, rezz copies from inventory. Shift dragging would remove the rotation effect.

The rotation script is fullperm for reason :)

copy / mod, packed at 1 LI each - Resize with viewer edit tools.
mesh/textures/script original by Alrunia Ahn / Lilith's Den

Love, Nuts & Laughter

Discounted for Group Members inworld!


Blog: https://alruniaahn.wordpress.com

Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/groups/liliths_den/

Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/alruniaahn

FB: https://www.facebook.com/Liliths-Den-2193713370903121


See item in Second Life