Kendra Unrigged mesh hair
!!!!Please TRY DEMO!!!!
2nd color strand is only available in the fatpack. This feature is not available in single colored packs.
Customizable strands at 130 colors ONLY at fatpack!!!
ALL SIMPLE single sets like(blond, colours, ombre and etc.) haven't this opportunity and you can color it ONLY in 1 COLOR WITHOUT any customizable for strands.
Modify permission for hair available ONLY at Fatpack
*Unrigged mesh you are able to adjust placement using editing tools.
Content include:
- Hair (Unrigged);
- HUD.
This hair is UNRIGGED MESH. You can reposition it using editing tools.
For the correct display of the product you should use viewer that supports mesh.
To learn more about meshes visit the official second life website.
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