◈ Lindo – Terminal
│ Lindo terminal is the host that allows your parcel or sim to be supported by Lindo.
│ Lindo will bring visitors to see your place and generate traffic.
◈ Currently there are five versions of the Lindo Terminal:
│ • 60% version package (Demo version)
│ • 40% version package (Full version)
│ • 30% version package (Full version)
│ • 20% version package (Full version)
│ • 10% version package (Full version)
│ Full versions additionally include a seed vendor, a color matching game (a gift for your place) and
│ two affiliate vendors for you to be able to sell and obtain income from the products of Lindo Creations.
│ Seed vendor gives you 50% commission from each purchase.
│ Affiliate vendors gives you 30% commission from each purchase.
◈ The Lindo Terminal is really easy to setup:
│ 1. Just put the terminal and seed vendor in the desired place.
│ 2. Grant debit permissions.
│ 3. Pay desired amount to share with players.
│ (Note: The other contents in the package are optional to use.)
◈ More information about the terminal:
│ Clicking on your terminal, will give you a few options;
│ "Range", "Event", "Group", "Managers", "Update", "Terminal Info", "Help", and "Player list".
◈ Range:
│ Terminal owners can control where players go with the three different range types:
│ • Specific: Allows the users to wander within a specific radius around the terminal determined by the terminal owner.
│ • Parcel: Allows the users to wander the parcel that the terminal is in.
│ • Sim: Allows the users to wander the entire sim that the terminal is in.
◈ Event:
│ Payout rate specifies the ratio of lindens visitors can earn from your terminal.
│ For instance, if the visiting player is about to win L$1 and you have set the rate as x6, in this case, they win L$6.
│ Note: Increasing the payout rate will entice more Lindo visitors to come to your land.
◈ Event > Timer (Timer button under the event button.)
│ Timer button under "Event" allows you to specify a time for your event to be automatically stopped.
◈ Group:
│ This feature allows your terminal to require players to join your group.
◈ Managers:
│ This allows you to add or remove people you want to manage the terminal.
│ The managers you add can change terminal settings just like you do.
◈ Update:
│ When an update is available, you will be notified by the terminal.
│ Then you can update using this update button.
◈ Terminal Info:
│ Terminal info allows you to see the current info of your terminal.
◈ Players:
│ Shows the player names connected to terminal.
◈ Do you have more questions?
│ Please don't hesitate to ask your questions to us anytime!
│ Web: www.lindocreations.com
│ Group: Lindo
│ Creator: Sofistik Resident
│ or any of Lindo Helpers
It works...Kind of
So yeah you get traffic to your establishment, but unless you hold a big event (2x or bigger) don't expect a lot of traffic. The majority of the people that come for the big events WILL NOT participate. I was constantly having to tell people to participate and not just stand around and even then that didn't often work as they just ignore you. As soon as the event is over the visitors leave and wont return until you hold another big event.
Hello there. please help me
I bought this product from you, but I can't find it in my inventory. I want to redeliver fafat I can find it there. I'm asking you for help. thanks
I just got this set it up and my store is full i just sold an outfit so it is working. I hope to get traffic up . love it , The creator is so helpful , thankyou
Reliable traffic driving tool - does what it says
When you need to fill up a venue fast, this tool does exactly what it says it does. Enable a bonus event and your sim fills up instantly. It's a good way to get people into your group and get word out about your store or club or business. The owner is also very nice and he asked me if I needed help and he was over in an instant.
Very good product with a decent support group
I was at first skeptical at first of this product but was recommended by a friend and trust me it really works, as long as your are fine with putting some L$ aside for the people visiting.
Running events is something to be careful of as that will quickly drain the pot balance you put in.
The support group was very helpful when I enquired about an issue.
Awesome product
So far, I have no complaints. I am really enjoying this product, it's helping my business a lot! thank you! <3