Liquid Lights come in 7 colors,
Click the bucket to turn the light on and off.
Each Color casts that color of light,
If you want white light, choose white.
Each color comes in 5 sizes,
to accommodate different settings.
Extra Large is approx. 3.5 meters tall.
Large is approx. 2 meters tall.
Medium is approx. 1.3 meters tall.
Small is approx. 0.8 meters tall.
Extra Small (desk-top version) is approx. 0.5 meters tall.
All sizes have a land impact of 2.
The larger sizes cast more light.
Extra large has 8 meter radius.
Large has a 4 meter radius.
Medium has a 2 meter radius.
Both Small and Extra Small have a 1 meter radius.
All colors have the same light radius though
brighter colors appear to cast more light.
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