Hi there and thanks for your interest in these tribal face tattoos for Lelutka EVO X heads!
When received simply add the item and touch it to unpack.
This pack contains all these 24 tattoos in system layers [BOM]:
♥ 4 Back neck tattoos *blushed*, *black* & *red* (copy); TINT (white base -> copy/mod)
♥ 4 Coloured blushes *back neck*, *face*, *front neck* & *full neck* (copy)
♥ 1 Face & eyes tattoo (copy)
♥ 4 Face tattoos *blushed*, *black* & *red* (copy); TINT (white base -> copy/mod)
♥ 4 Front neck tattoos *blushed*, *black* & *red* (copy); TINT (white base -> copy/mod)
♥ 4 Full versions *blushed*, *black* & *red* (copy); TINT (white base -> copy/mod)
♥ 2 Neck tattoos *blushed* (copy) and TINT (white base -> copy/mod)
♥ Smoky Eyes (copy)
These tattoos are all BOM, so feel free to mix and match them as you like ^^
Disclaimer: This product has a demo, please, try it before your purchase or buy at your own risk.
See item in Second Life