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*Lok's* Fireplace for the Holidays - Creamy Marble

*Lok's* Fireplace for the Holidays - Creamy Marble

This Fireplace is perfect for your Holiday Season, with stockings and holiday cards already placed. Click the logs to turn the fire on and enjoy the soothing crackle and light, and turn it off by clicking again.

(Drag your own pictures onto the cards -careful when you are doing this- to make your fireplace truly unique!)

5 colors available; see Related Items.

Check out this product at Lok's huge inworld store by clicking the link below!

See item in Second Life
  • Fireplace with Stockings and Christmas Cards
  • Working fire, click the log to turn on and off
  • Modify and Transfer
  • Great for the Holidays!
  • Excellent Customer Service from an Established Low Prim Furniture Business in SL