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LouChara Avery Complete Kitchen

LouChara Avery Complete Kitchen

Thank you for your interest in this item from LouChara.

PLEASE BE AWARE THE ISLAND IS A LINK SET. To rez as one object, clock another object you have and go into edit mode, drag the link set from your inventory and move into position. To move as one make sure you edit one part of the set, hold down your shift key and click on other part of set. Your should now be able to move as one object.

The main kitchen and island with stools has singles sits and cuddle animations. As in rl all of us are different shapes and sizes, this is the same for avatars. The poses set may need adjusting due to us all being individuals.

If you have any queries or questions about this or any other products, please feel free to drop me a notecard in-world. Thank you!

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