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LouRoo Garden Flower 05 Hydrangea BOX

LouRoo Garden Flower 05 Hydrangea BOX

having a SALE !!
please check out my other items too.

LouRoo Garden Flower 05 Hydrangea BOX

<< Particle Flower >>

* Only 3 prims.
Flower Particle Ball...1 prim
Pot...1 prim
Shadow...1 prim

* Mod & Copy OK (scripts are no mod).
You can modify the flower pot as you like.
Or also can put the particle ball on the flower pot which you have.
You can remove shadow or pot if you don't need.
They are Copy OK, so you can put it as much as you need.

* 3 kinds of flower color included.
Blue, Pink and Purple.

* The Flower particle effect can be turned ON/OFF by touching on them, and the Flower particle balls can be show/hide/die by typing command in chat space.
Can only be turned ON/OFF & show/hide/die by the owner.

"#show"...shows the particle ball.
"#hide"...hides the particle ball.
"#die"... the whole object will die.

<< Sculpted prim flower >>

* 4 prims
Sculpted prim flower...1 prim
Pot...1 prim
Soil...1 prim
Shadow...1 prim

* Copy OK

* Resize & Change texture
You can resize it with blue dialog (Increase/Decrease 1, 5 or 10% of the whole object with each click to their buttons).
You can choose from 3 kinds of hydrangea texture (Blue, Pink, Purple)

* The scripts will not work in places where scripts are disabled.

Thank you.
LouRoo Rau
Release date: 2009. 05. 19. Tue.