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Teddies never go off style, and this corckboard is the most sweet & original for decoration.
This lovely hand-made board, shows a perfect and detailed wood carpentry, letting you enjoy the colorful notes open to your choice with 6 different messages that you will be able to pick with just a click, and even better! sharing your sweet photographs and memories with all your friends and family.
Ideal for your office, your bedroom or any open spot on the wall that needs some teddy sweetness on it!
Pick from your inventory the cutest and unbearable moments you shared with your lover and make this corckboard the guardian of them!
With just a click, the pinned pics will bring back the lovely sensation of that moment saved!
The "Corckboard Bears Edition" is finely sculpted, made of a light brown wood, with a note sticked on the right, and a lovely flower green pin that holds your pictures!
And the best! a cute panda teddy bear on the left corner, pinned with a yellow pin that decorates your corckboard like none other!
A red rose holded by a blue pin decorates the right part of the board, and a yellow sculpted sharped pencil at your bottom left adorns this corckboard making it perfect for decoration.
The best part of this teddy lovely gift is not only it's cute look and it's facilities of use, but you can also show your pics with amazing teddy-messages!
"Life is "unbearable" without you"
"I love you bears got honey? Thank you berry much"
"Happy Bear"
"Everything in life i share except my teddy bear!"
Let's be teddy bears in or next lifetime. Everybody love them, nobody cares if they're fat, and the older they get, the more they're worth.
"I love you like a fat kid loves cakes"
are the sweetest teddy messages you can share!
This lovely cork-teddyboard, comes rapped in a singular an original red box that will surely surprise your lover. Original gift for any type of occasion to make that special one add to your sweet memories, a lovely, unique and beary one!
Additionally, we offer custom names on all our cards, free of charge! We also offer fast service, customization, and dedications on most items in our store. Ask and if it's possible, it will be free!
If you don't find what you're looking for or it isn't the right shape/color/size, send a note to LoveFactory Violet! Custom work is available upon request--if I can, I will make your dream a reality!
When ordering custom names/dedications or inquiring about customer service: IM LoveFactory Violet if I'm online; please send a note if I'm offline to ensure delivery even if my IMs are capped. I will answer within 24 hours, but usually sooner.
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Visit LoveFactory to see this product and many others like it! All items at the store have demo versions. While you're there, try the daily Midnight Mania, and try your luck at the Lucky Board! But that's not all...
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All !--! creations are made only to be sold in the !--! Store or as LoveFactory Violet's products on xstreet. In order to protect our work, help us report any abuse from people selling our work in other stores against the Terms of Service of Linden Labs.
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