[M] Klawes Chips - BBQ Version 1.6
The Bag is a created chips giver, with 20 chip per bag. There are 4 different flavors in the product line! Each chip has it's own limit of 10 uses in the Mystory stats department!
This Bag is shareable if the owner so chooses! The owner simply clicks the Bag themselves and selects the Access, to either Owner, Group, or Everyone! There is a counter above the Bag letting the owner and others know how many are left inside, the owner also can shut off this text if they so choose by clicking 'Toggle Text'
After the Access is set up, those allowed can click the Bag and select to "Get Item", which will send them a chip.
Afterwards all they have to do is add the chip, it will attach to their right hand (some editing may be required due to every avatar having different sizes!). Then the user should click the chip on wear, you can do this by clicking it personally or right clicking in your inventory and selecting 'touch'.
Each Can gives the following stats per 30 seconds:
+ 2.5% Hunger
- 0.5% Thirst
- 0.5% Hygiene
+ 1.5% Happiness
+ 0.5% Social
After 5 minutes of use (10 uses worth), you will have gained/lost the following:
+ 25% Hunger
- 5% Thirst
- 5% Hygiene
+ 15% Happiness
+ 5% Social
After the chip is done being used, you can continue to wear it as a decorative and edible chip (animations won't stop), but it will no longer have any uses to add to your stats in Mystory.
We hope you enjoy your chips!
Closed Bag (Decor) = 1 Land Impact
Open Bag (Giver) = 2 Land Impact
Chips = 2 Land Impact (Not Needed To Be Rezzed)
Contents: Closed Decor Bag + Open Bag Giver With 20 Chips each with 10 Uses.
All Contents = Transfer Only
*This Product is made with Third Party Affiliate Store Seller Scripting and is created for use with the Mystory products as a compatible product to use for players.*
- MyStory Compatible
- Adds Stats To MyStory Per Use
- Access Change By Owner (Owner/Group/Everyone)
- Usable Animated Edible Chip