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*M* Styxian Advanced K-9 Agility Unpacker

*M* Styxian Advanced K-9 Agility Unpacker

Hi, and thanks for your interest!

The agility set typically comes in 3 packages [unless you have a custom package]

~ Styxian k-9 Jumps
a low, medium, and high jump set

~ Styxian k-9 Agility Basics
agility poles, agility bridge, & agility tunnel

~ Styxian k-9 Agility advanced
see-saw, a frame, & tire jump

The Jumps & Tunnel are all loaded with a texture change menu, with at 4-8 options for each part you can change. To access the texture change menu, find the Multifarious logo and click it. On the tunnel it is on the top of the front on one side, on the jumps its at the base one the gates on one side.

The seesaw is functional. Avatars can walk across it and it will move. If using an animesh pet, the avatar handler will have to time their touch to get the seesaw to move with their pet.

At the size they come, they will work for both avatars, and animesh pets. resizing smaller may make them unusable, at least for avatars.

Any questions or concerns, please contact Laurel Dozier (multifariousbot) via IM and I will respond ASAP.

Kes Styxx [ kes.heartsong]
Owner, & Designer, of Multifarious & Styxx Valley farms