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* Access to M3U8/HLS (HTML5) Player
* Server Sided API to detect Media Type
* Autodetect Media Type (Youtube, Twitch, M3U8 Stream)
* YouTube Video and Youtube Playlist direct in Full Screen
* Twitch Live Stream and Twitch Video direct in Full Screen
* use ?mute behind the M3U8 or Twitch URL to play the stream without sound
* use ?audio behind the M3U8 stream and the Player only Play Audio and dont display Video Stream
* Supported by API: M3U8/HLS Streams, TS Streams, Youtube Live Streams / Videos / Playlists, Twitch Live Streams / Videos
* Fast and easy access to any Website
* Complete Menu Driven / without Pop up URL Window
* Access Button to change between Owner, Group or Public Mode
* Very low lag script
* Copy permissions
* Low LI/Prim count = 9 (depends on Object Size)
Changelog Version 3.0
The script was adapted to increase the media viewer texture to 2048 pixels to be able to render real HD.
API and HTML5 player adapted to playback true HD 720p Resolution
HTML5 Player updatet to Play Audio Only M3U8 Stream if you add ?audio behind the URL.
Access Button in Menu to change between Owner Only, Group Mode or Public Mode (Group and Public Menu only have On/Off, Set Url, Radio and Start Page Button)
Radio Button added in Menu
How To Button added in Menu
**RTMP is no longer maintained as Adobe Flash is being End-of-lifed and no more supported by Browsers.
* Click on the Frame to get the Menu
* Set URL = Enter any URL to Browse in the Viewer
Use SET URL to enter a link (Youtube link, M3U8 link, RTMP link, etc.)
and the player will automatically detect what type of media it is and use the appropriate HTML5 player
* Set HomeURL = Enter Home URL (shows every Time when Viewer starts)
* Resizer
M3U8/HLS (HTML5) Player is Fully Supported with SL Viewer and up / Firestorm and up