This baby is designed to offer all our customers the opportunity to play the role of parenting in a virtual world, this without spending much money.
--------------PLEASE READ ---------------------------------
Babies are at that price because its the first version ( V-1)
Future Release:
-Better Breast Feed Animations
-You can make baby Clothes
-Toys Interacts
-More Sound
-Racially or ethnically New Baby
- New Burp Animations
-When the next versions are release.
I send the New Baby and the price its going to increase.
This Complete package Include:
-1 Baby (Girls or Boy) Totally copy u don't need buy again for have a twins ;), This baby have all Menu: Diaper Changer, Clothing change Most 7 Clothes Added, Pacifier On/ Off, Sleep (Nap Bottom) Mode, Breast feeding,Bottle Feeding, Silent Bottom, Play, Family, Burp
-2 Baby in Blanket only Have Rock animations , 1 Baby Is transfer For partner & 1 is Only Copy because if Mom does not have to many prims on your parcel and wants to see the baby in his crib
-1 Stroller With HUD. This Stroller Is only wear and u don't need wear the baby because already have the baby in the Stroller. The Hud is very simple, Only Wear the hud and change the stroller colors, blanket color, or the baby clothes... Oh i forget the baby inside have movement, if u touch the stroller u can see 8 different poses have this baby in it.
-1 Baby Carried With Hud Too U don't need wear the baby for see the into the carrier. The Hud Carrier Menu is the same like a stroller.. if u touch the baby with the mouse this have 8 different poses too.
For support and more added the MunBabies Gruop, Send Notecard : MBabieSister Resindent