G General

*MB* Partner Tisha Baby

*MB* Partner  Tisha  Baby

MunBabies are no transfer.
That its because have to be modify and copy for future Update.

If u want Shared this experiencie with friend or partner. MunBabies have one solution.

..::::::::::::::Munbabies Partner & Friend Baby.::::::.
**This baby u can buy for only 75 L$ and u can transfer.
**This baby don't have the munbabies complete Menu
**Only Have different face change by Baby brain sistem
and Hold animations
**You partner can buy the baby again for have it with full menu and interaction

Don't forget Put inside the family notecard ur partners and friends, and interact with the baby too.

If u Need More Info about MunBabies write: MBabiesister resident by Notecard via