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[MB3] Fic-Torian Chair - Gold Burgandy Version 1

[MB3] Fic-Torian Chair - Gold Burgandy

At MB3 we have been exploring a new theme for the Domestic Sector of our Space Station. We brought together Sci-Fi & Victorian influences and meshed them together. We call our new theme; Fic-Torian!

This stylish chair is well suited to either Sci-Fi or Victorian / Steampunk settings. The LED light along the arm rest can be changed to any color on the RGB spectrum. Simply enter build mode and use the "Select Surface" tool to select the LED light and then recolor it to suit your environment.

Animated with 5 ORIGINAL Bento Animations! (Bento Hands)

View our other screenshots to see how we utilize our products in-world on our Research Space Station, MoonBase 3.


If you have any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to IM either Drakortha Hull or Numberofthebeast Angelus.

See item in Second Life
  • High Detail Mesh
  • Low Impact
  • 5 Original Bento Animations