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{MC} Pink Demoness Mod for *fm* cyclops Boxed

{MC} Pink Demoness Mod for *fm* cyclops Boxed

This mod is for *FM* Cyclops Head found here: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/FM-Cyclops-Head-V122/8549826
and Utilizator's Kemono body found here: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/UTILIZATOR-Kemono/6070005
[M.O.R] bento demon tail: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/MOR-bento-demon-tail-11/10398035
[M.O.R] bento demon wings: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/MOR-bento-demon-wings/10683261

For the head and body appliers just click them to apply them! To change the textures of your wings and tail, rez them somewhere like a sandbox and right click them and edit them. Find the texture from your inventory and drag it onto it.

Thank you for being interested in my store and reading this! <3

I created this store to explore designing in Second Life, since I do graphic design in real life. I hope to share my creations that i have created for myself with anyone who wants them! If you ever have any questions or problems feel free to message me, mary09ilovedesign. Thanks again!!!

Blog: http://marycakesdesign.tumblr.com

  • requires *fm* cyclops & Utilizator Kemono body
  • includes textures for [M.O.R] bento demon tail and demon wings
  • includes eye applier
  • 3 head appliers (less makeup versions)
  • 2 body applier (plain & with markings)