G General

MD Bid Board Version 4.2.1

MD Bid Board

I. DEMO available for try before buy.
II. LITE version available, without Online Services website access
III. User manual: www.mdlabsonline.com/md-bid-board-user-manual/
IV. MP prices differ from in-world
This incredible bid board has been projected especially for selling your breedables in Second Life, and it’s just packed of options and incredibly flexible, turning it into the best bid board.

NOTE: this version provides access to MD Labs Online Services, a website to interact with all your bid boards.
> Owner - for each board - can view settings and rent status, access the current bid session and the bid sessions history, add / remove managers & blacklisted avatar, allow bid from the website, unlock, reset & delete a board.
> Tenant & bidders can access a public web page, to follow the bid session they are hosting / partecipating in real time and place new bid directly.

>Owner features:
- Working mode: daily rental mode or fixed rent fee mode, with customizable rent price per day in daily rental and rent fee in fixed fee mode.
- Customizable min & max rent length (in days).
- Split rent profit with another avatar, with customizable %.
- Starting bid (the minimum amount of L$ the tenant will have to input as first bid before open the bid itself).
- Next bids step (the amount of L$ the bidders are asked to bid over the current bid).
- Auto bid feature.
- Multiple setup: each setting can be applied to a single bid board, on all the bid boards in the same region or to a specific group of boards, saving a lot of time.
- Managers and blacklist: add, remove, list all managers or blacklisted avatars.
- Blacklisted avatars cannot interact with the board.
- Notifications via IM (i.e. when the bid board rent starts or ends, etc..).
- Rezzer: rez multiple bid boards at once, with a customizable X-Y-Z offset.
- Customize the bid board appearance, picking among 4 different board frames, 11 backgrounds and 10 text color, or use a custom texture/color. Resize module included.
- Auto lock the bid board when a rent period is over and auto unlock after a customizable timeout, setting the board again for rent.
- delete the last bid (owner-only option).

>Tenant features:
- Quick and easy to use wizard menu to start a new bid session, with custom opening bid, bid length and bid info.
- Bid infos displayed over the board.
- Set the starting bid: a starting value (in L$) for the breedable, so all the next bidders will have to bid over that starting bid.
- Set bid length: the duration (in hours) of the bid session, or use the whole rent time as bid length.
- Multiple setup: start/end a bid session or quit the rental period on a specific board, all boards rented by the tenant in the region or a specific group of boards rented by the tenant. In addition, owner owner will be also able to extend the multiple setup to the rental process.
NOTE: The tenant will always be able to stop the bid session before time.
- Extend rent: extend the bid board rental period, without exceed the board’s maximum rent length set by the owner.
- Quit rent: stop the current bid session (if open) and quit the bid board rental before time.
NOTE: no refund will be applied in this case.
- List bids: get a list of all the current bids.

>Bidder features (once the bid session is open):
- Place a bid typing the bid amount (in L$). This value must be greater than the current bid (displayed on the bid board) and multiple by the next bid step value.
- Place a autobid: in this case, bidders will have to input the greatest amount (in L$) willing to spend for the prize. At each bid from other bidders, the MD Bid Board auto bid algorithm will automatically place a new bid trying to keep the bid as low as possible ensuring to be the top bidder and without surpassing the auto bid limit the bidder picked.

- Notification system via IM for owner, tenant and bidders, with board SLURL for quick teleport
- Refund system for the rental process.
- 100% mesh, 6 prims of LI.
- Owner and managers can rent & bid on the bid board like a normal user.
- Bid board ID, simply set into the bid board’s description field will allow you to distinguish each board for an easy managing.
- Bid and rent time countdown color depending on the time left, to get a quick overview.
- Menu hints to make the board easier to use.
- Low lag, memory optimized and few running scripts.

Support: IM Mattia Delwood

2015 MD Labs.

  • 100% mesh, customizable background and frame texture, 6 prims of LI
  • Daily rental mode or fixed fee, auto bid, notifications and refund
  • Split L$, rent cost per day, min/max rent length, starting bid, next bid
  • Single / multiple / group setup, rezzer, MD Labs Online Services website
  • Web page for bidders, wizard to start a new bid session, managers, blacklist
Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
  • 5 star:
  • 4 star:
  • 3 star:
  • 2 star:
  • 1 star:
full star full star full star full star full star Posted January 04, 2016 by Meryalfa

one of a kind, settings quick and easy, spectacular connection to the Web, a service that gives more value to my new breedable market, recommended, are very happy to have chosen the best board at a great price

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By far the BEST and I have tried them ALL
full star full star full star full star full star Posted March 09, 2015 by ted Floresby

I don't even know where to start to talk about all the amazing features on this system. It started off as a great system but after I met Mattia in world I beat him until he gave in and made some updates to make it amazing! (Sorry about the broken nose my friend!!!)

This version with the WEB interface is AMAZING, tracking bids and notifications, global settings (set one or all boards), do almost everything via the web, the built in rezzer (this saves SOOOO much time when you are rezzing a row of them), color, texture and size change, add managers easily, blacklist people, keep thing to group or everyone, bid options are limitless in settings along with notifications that you actually get even when you are out of that region!

VERY LOW PRIMS !!!! 6 YES... ONLY 6 !!!!

All kidding aside, he is amazing to work with and I only hear people talk highly about Mattia and his customer support (I guess I didn't need to ruin his nose after all!).

He is always willing to help customers and add new features if/when possible.

I have a few of his products and never once have they failed on me!

He is always tweaking and thinking about new things which is great because you know that the product is not a just once a done deal! That is very important to me.

Who knew that a purchase of a Bid Board would be the beginning of such a great friendship. Keep up the GREAT work my friend!!!

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Best I have seen
full star full star full star full star full star Posted January 30, 2015 by John1 Bearsfoot

We have used a lot of boards in the past and not one can compare to this product.

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Best Bid Boards EVER ! 5 *****
full star full star full star full star full star Posted January 28, 2015 by Angellillah Pyle

I have every bid board that you can find on the marketplace and none of them are nearly as good as the one Mattia has scripted.
It has a lot of features/options and is so easy to use!
The online website makes it easy to keep track of the renters/bidders etc,..
Only 6 prims / board! Which is awesome as all of the other boards use up to 30 prims/board.
If i would have known about this boards sooner i would not have spended money on
trying others. These boards are a must have!
The scripter has put a lot of time and effort in making these amazing bidboards.
I would give a 1000 stars for the costumer service as Mattia is always willing to help and
the most friendly person you will come a cross.

This is my first review ever, but i am very happy about this product, totally worth a few minutes of typing :)

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Just a Amazing Bidboard with alot helpfull features
full star full star full star full star full star Posted December 21, 2014 by sexysandra01 Magic

That Bidboard was the 4 one i buy all to much prims or they dont work good. This one my Customer love and i love all that Amazing features . And i have to say i get the best Support i ever seen on that Product...... Thanks alot for that great work

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted September 04, 2014 by DreamCatcherVII

Amazing work so easy to use and a must have for all sims who wants do offers!!! Mattias is always around to help!!! awesome support!!!! 10 stars!!!! ^^

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