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MD Group Inviter Board DEMO Version 1.2.0

MD Group Inviter Board DEMO


(NEW!!) - Show/hide the MD Group Inviter Board's scan range

MD Group Inviter Board - product overview

MD Group Inviter Board is a simple yet complete board that implements a group joiner. The installation is very simple, just set the board group to the one you want to invite your customer and the MD Group Inviter Board will setup and start working immediately.

There are two main notification mode: on touch and by sensor.
- On touch: invites your customer when they touch on your board.
- By sensor: uses a sensor to scan the area every interval and invite all the avatars found. Both scan area and scan interval are customizable by the owner menu. Scan range can be set up to 96 meters or parcel-wide.

There are also two ways for the join message to be sent to your customers: in chat or in window.
- In chat: the join message is sent as private message to the avatar, and appears in the chat window.
- In window: the join message is sent inside a window (dialog box), and it comes with the link to open the web site profile of the group;

When using the sensor notification mode there are two parameters you can customize:
- Scan time: define how often (in second) the system will check the area for new avatar to invite.
- Scan range: define how far (in meters) the system will check around itself for new avatar to invite (up to 96mt).

Moreover, you can choose if combine the sensor feature with the repeat function: when enabled, the group inviter will keep send the group invitation at every scan time otherwise the invitation will be sent only once per each avatar. The repeat scan time is customizable.

The join message can be customize, so you can type in everything you want your customer to receive as text along with the group link to join.You can also input a custom text to be displayed over your group joiner board.
Last, the update feature allow you to check for product updates and receive them for free.

Key features:
- Zero-seconds installation, just set the board's group and it's done.
- Two notification mode: invite on touch or by scanning the area around.
- Two function mode: invite on touch or by scanning the area around.
- Customize the sensor range (up to parcel wide) and scan interval.
- Repeat option on sensor: keep sending the group invitation

Item details:
- 2 prim.
- yes mod (board only)
- yes copy
- no transf

- Full and lifetime support is provided, IM resident Mattia Delwood

  • Zero-seconds installation, just set the board's group and it's done.
  • Two notification mode: invite on touch or by scanning the area around.
  • Two join mode: via chat or in a custom window, with the profile web link.
  • Customize the sensor range (up to parcel wide) and scan interval.
  • Repeat option on sensor: keep sending the group invitation