MD Status Indicator & Message Box Board - product overview
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MD Status Indicator & Message Box Board implements a full-feature message box with the addition of a status indicator tag.
The easy, quick and very flexible setup allow you to have it working within a few clicks, for you or one of your collaborators as well; the message box assignment can be made to a nearby avatar or to someone not present near the message box during the setup just directly typing the avatar's name. Users can either click the message box and write a message or drop a notecard in the message box and it will be delivered to the message box's user.
Here're some features customizable via the owner menu:
- Show/hide status indicator.
- Enable/disable sending of text messages (IMs).
- Enable/disable sending of notecards.
- Show/hide link to avatar's profile.
- Show SL display names when available.
- Reset the MD Status Indicator & Message Box Script.
- Run the update and get free update, if available.
The user menu lets you:
- read your stored messages with detailed info, such as date-time, sender.
- delete your messages one-by-one or all together.
Key features:
- Easy and flexible setup, within a few clicks
- Read, delete one-by-one, delete all messages
- Owner menu to perform system operations
- Display avatar status, online or offline
- Built in update system, to get any future updates for free
Item details:
- 1 prim.
- no mod
- yes copy
- no transf
- Full and lifetime support is provided, IM resident Mattia Delwood
- Easy and flexible setup, within a few clicks
- Read, delete one-by-one, delete all messages
- Owner menu to perform system operations
- Display your custom picture and avatar status: online or offline
- Built in update system, to get any future updates for free