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MDHU Dog AO box - dog animation

MDHU Dog AO box - dog animation


Be a dog in SL!!!!
35 MDHU dog animations in a MDHU HUD
2 notcards
6 walks
10 stands
4 sits
4 sit grounds
jump, prejump, landing, crouch, crouchwalk

5 dog gestures w/sound

There are many animal animations in it that will surprise you and make you laugh!

Yet another fun product, that was just as fun to make.

See item in Second Life
  • 35 MDHU dog animations
  • 5 dog gestures w/sound
Average rating: full star full star full star half star empty star
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full star full star full star empty star empty star Posted May 12, 2024 by Aldebaran Darkmatter

when I wear Greatest Dane, this HUD does things that are HORRIBLE to see.

So I tried to use this HUD without wearing the dog shape and then I understood the meaning of the phrase "Be a dog in SL!!!!" .

I suggest the author write very clearly IT WORKS ONLY FOR HUMANID AVATARS to avoid many disputes

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MDHU Dog AO box - dog animation
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted August 15, 2020 by TheoMaiz

I just bought the MDHU Dog AO box - dog animation. I paid 450L and received and empty box. T

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Outdated AO
full star full star full star empty star empty star Posted July 26, 2019 by MaxBaroso

Doesn't work on the Greatest Dane Dog av by Canis labs. I tested all anims individually and they're all rotated the wrong way which you can't edit. This is just outdated stuff that doesn't work on newer models.

I send all items back to the owner and got a full refund the next day. That at least is good service. So the product is wrong but the seller is fair.

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Dated and overpriced
full star full star empty star empty star empty star Posted April 18, 2017 by Lunar Steamweaver

Most of the stand animations make avatar sink in ground (and my av is 1,85 height),badly looped walk and run, no demo to try in world. Avatar deforms in ridiculous amounts during some animations,i get it if it was meant to be a joke. but its Extremely overpriced by today animation qualities.

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full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted December 03, 2016 by AngelMylez

i just bought a puppy avatar, and thought this would be the right SO for me. but NOT at all! when i walk with my puppy, the human legs are showing! and wtf is going onwith the walks?! i REALLY am NOT happy with this AO!

make one working for ALL puppy avatars.. and i MiGHT get back! and whats going on with no demo version???

get a better piece done for PUPPiES!!

i RP in a community with a fam, and wanted an AO for the puppy. but facing this??? it wasnt what i expected AT ALL!!

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