G General

MDHU Fem/GuyReactv TKD AO HUD box - female/male ao

MDHU Fem/GuyReactv TKD AO HUD box - female/male ao


**150+ total Animations**
**30+ Motion Capture Animations**

Included in the package:
*MDHU Fem/GuyReactv3 TKD AO HUD - wear me
*Couples Walks Rezzer (built in/editable)
*Chat gestures (built in/editable)
*Interactive Greetings (built in/editable)
*2 Quickplay buttons (built in/editable)

For those who like to be both sexes in SL.

This HUD is all about userability and FUN! This HUD allows for 12 walks, runs, sits, sitgrounds, and jumps with also almost unlimited standing anims. Plus you can overide your typing/chatting anim, Busy anim, and your Away anim. All of this can be on 1 notecard. Then there is the automatic swimming, and prim water swimming which can be done anywhere. Other ao huds seems sluggish to me, this ao hud reacts so much faster and is a completely fresh approach in how to animate movement.

Animation breakdown:
16 walks
10 runs
30 stands
14 sits
12 sitgrounds
7 jumps
2 typing overides
6 turns
every default anim is overiden. Plus alot more.

For those of you who want the best of both sexes. This ao has very nice smooth sexy animations with flawless transitions for both the female and male sets. The MDHU Reactv TKD AO were created to respond to your mouse when standing. Also, this is the perfect ao for those of you who use combat systems or animated attachments. An AO made for interaction. Together with the new TKD AO HUD system, you get 1 of the most fun and interactive ao on the market. All this quality at a fraction of those overpriced annoying overrides. Definitely will be the ao you want to wear all the time with more options for fun then any ao system in sl.

Animations overide your default movement animations automatically. This AO HUD system was created to give the user ultimate control over his/her/? movements in this virtual world. If you love water sports and the beach, this is definitely your ao, with automatic swimming when you get more then knee high in sl water and Prim swimming.

*Click the Couples walk button to rezz 1 of the 3 couples walks that come this the ao. You can also buy more couples walks at Medhue Animations and simply drag them into that prim and edit the notecard inside. Any Version 3 couple walk from Medhue Animations will work.

*Click the Greet button to ask someone to interactively greet each other. There are 7 different greetings to choose from.

*Click the Chat gestures - These play whenever you use 1 of the words in the list. You can turn these off by clicking the G button on the left side of the HUd

*Click the Quick play buttons(paw) to play these special anims. These are just for show and include sound. These are located at the very bottom of the HUD using symbols like a paw. You can edit and change these easily by replacing the sound and anims with your own. The sound and animation are inside the paw prim. The script will play whatever sound and anim you put into it.

*Click the Sitground button to be able to sit anywhere, not just on SL ground. Also, remember to turn the sitground off by selecting off in the menu with the sitgrounds.

See item in Second Life
  • 150+ total Animations
  • 30+ Motion Capture Animations
  • Couples Walks Rezzer, Chat gestures
  • Interactive Greetings, Quickplay buttons
  • Sitground anywhere