50 weapons animations
Included in this set:
1 MDHUgunAOv1.0-wear me
2 guns (Pistol_L,Pistol_R)
1 Shotgun
1 MDHUgun animations full perm
**MDHUgunAOv1.0-wear me**
Wear the ao HUD. It has 4 notecards you can load. Use your arrow keys to move around. Animations play automatically. Tap Page Up to jump, and Page Down to crouch. Hold Page Up to fly, and Hold Page Down to fly down. CTRL+R to run.
The buttons on the hud work like this:
W - Change walk anim. Click then chose 1 of the 5 options
S - Change sit anim. Click then chose 1 of the 5 options
SG - Change sit ground anim. Click then chose 1 of the 5 options. Only works on real sl ground.
L - Load/Change notecard configurations. Notecards control which anims play when. Click then chose 1 of the notecard options.
S On/S Off - Turns sit on and off.
Hide/Menu - Click this to Hide or View full ao.
AO on/off - Click this to turn ao on and off.
4 Notecards you can Load
1 1 Gun - Load this for use with a single pistol in the right hand.
2 2 Guns - Load this notecard for using 2 pistols, 1 in each hand.
3 2 Guns W - This notecard is the same as 2 Guns but with different walks.
4 Shotgun - Load this notecard to use with a shotgun or rifle.
**guns (Pistol_L,Pistol_R), Shotgun
These are just freebie guns. They do shoot bullets. Please do not annoy other customers or use this to grief.
**MDHUgun animation
The animations is a low priority anim for use within the weapons you may want to use with this ao.
- 50 weapons animations
- 4 Notecards you can Load
- Gun, 2 Guns, and Rifles
- Bulletlike HUD
No AO is included in the box when it arrives.
This is useless and the seller does not respond.
Do not buy this rubbish under any circumsances!