100 + total animations
40+ motion capture animations
Included in the package:
*MDHU Gay TKD AO HUD v3- wear me
*Couples Walks Rezzer (built in/editable)
*Chat gestures (built in/editable)
*Interactive Greetings (built in/editable)
100 + total animations
40+ motion capture animations
4 walks
3 runs
18 stands
6 sits
3 sitgrounds
3 jumps
2 dances
all default animations are overiden, plus more!
1 Notecard Configurations
You can create your own notecard configuration. It is best to create a copy of the Gay notecard by dragging it into your inventory. Then edit the name of the notecard and drag it back into the AO with all your other edits.
Click LOAD (the paper/notecard symbol) to choose a different notecard.
Our new system has proven to be much more responsive, speedy, and super low lag. Here are some of the newest features.
*Motion Capture
*Saves Last notecard, run, walks and jumps
*Interactive Greetings, Couples Walk Rezzer, Chat Gestures
*Sitground anywhere
*Click the Couples walk button to rezz 1 of the 3 couples walks that come this the ao. You can also buy more couples walks at Medhue Animations and simple drag them into that prim and edit the notecard inside. Any Version 3 couple walk from Medhue Animations will work.
*Chat gestures - These play whenever you use 1 of the words in the list. You can turn these off by clicking the G button on the left side of the HUD.
*Click the Greet button to ask someone to interactively greet each other. There are 6 different greetings to choose from.
Animations overide your default movement animations automatically. This AO HUD system was created to give the user ultimate control over his/her/? movements in this virtual world.
See item in Second Life- 100+ Total Animations
- 40+ Motion capture animations ( mocaps )
- Interactive Greetings
- Couples Walks Rezzer
- Chat Gestures and Typing overide
you know its going to be bad... its WORSE!
You expect the walks to be silly - the gestures to be over the top and the stands to be flaming... BUT the quality is also poor. the animations jerk a lot and not in the good way. the walks are almost as bad as the Linden Duck walk. :( such a bad product when it could have been FUN.