Ready to rumble?
These 11 different colors for the ME_Marathon carts for the teeglePETS will make your race a colorful event. Applicate in one step before linking the cart to your pet, change the number and or logo with the textures coming with the cart and you're good to go .
Important !
Please use a "default" carriage. Means one that you have not touched at all yet except rezzing it. This is important.
***Application by scripts***
It is easy- it really is, promised!
1. Rez a NEW carriage where you're allowed to set it out, there is enough land capacity and see that the area allows SL scripts.
2. Drag the script from your inventory onto the carriage, wait a second and see the magic happening.
If you like to , rename your carriage in General tab of your build window while still editing it .
When done ....
4. Pick up your carriage.
That's it, nothing more to do , the script will delete itself after it's done so you won't drag an unnecessary script with you when riding.
Now you can continue to setting up the carriage with your horse.
You can drag the script into the contents of any* link of your carriage, it will work as described.
You can drag the script to any* surface of your carriage, it will work as described.
You can not* use this script successfully on any other carriage except the ME_Marathon cart, since the textures are explicitly worked for the ME_Marathon cart.
You can not* use this script successfully on any ME_Marathon cart that you unlinked/ added more thinks to , please do that AFTER you changed the color .
- Texture addon for ME_Marathon Carts for PETS
- easy application
- multiple presets included
- mix and match
- add and go