100 % mesh High school university jacket for men
It means that these mesh boots are ready to wear, when you wear it, mesh fits with all your moves smoothly.
The pack includes :
- The rigged mesh 4 sizes : Small, medium, large and fat
- Transparent layout to wear
This is mesh jacket, a new technology based on 3D and Polygons, introduced recently in Second Life.
This jacket is rigged, it means that there are bones which fits perfectly on your avatar.
1. How do i wear it ?
- Just make it glide to your avatar from your inventory
or right click on it and wear it
2. What is the invisible layer ?
- This layer makes your avatar invisible, then you see just the mesh on it
3. How do i wear the layer ?
- Ewactly like the mesh jacket (Q1)
If you have other questions, just IM or send a notecard to Mesh Designs owners :
- Tupac redstar
- Plant Obscure
- High quality mesh
- Realistic textures
- Transparent layout included
- 4 sizes : Small, medium, large and fat