SAC MP5 Striker Navy Sub-Machinegun - version 2.12
MP5 introduction movie "SAC MP5 Striker in SecondLife"
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We don't offer refunds on this item.
This "MP5 Striker Ver 2.xx" is completely new product with much development cost, so it's not related on MP5 Ver 1.xx. Thank you for understanding.
(but if you purchased older version of MP5 in December 2020 - January 2021, IM me in 2021)
This product is not related on TMD "Toy-Gun" version.
This product has SAC basic options(see images), and new option parts(Optics, Stock, Hider etc..) will be added!
<<Special Information for "VERY" Special People>>
This is a Semi/Auto Sub-Machinegun, you have to "Mouse Button" click to shoot
at "Mouselook Mode", and this product can not dump 30 rounds in 1 sec.
It does NOT shoot:
-Nukes or other Explosives
-GCS Compatible Bullet
(ask zombie Sim owner LLCS bullets can be worked or not)
It does NOT have:
-HUD system(someday we will make it, sorry for inconvenient)
-MOD permission, you can only operate through the menu(resize, recolor etc)
Not being supported with:
-Person who rejecting update product always
-Person who got refunds by unavoidable reason.
-Claim about Prohibition of use due to rules in specific regions
** Credits **
Director: Catty Hammerer(SAC, SSOC)
Build & Texture: Eripom Moonwall(SAC, SSOC),TFA Akina(UEPONYA)
Scripts: TFA Akina(UEPONYA)
Animations: Chibiuzu Noel(Uzunimation)
MP5 Advisor: Kurohige Steamer(SAC, Editor of Military DVD Magazine "GUNNER")
>>> see more info of "GUNNER" at this URL below
** Features **
<<Motion Tracker has been upgraded!>>
<<Fixed Stock has been added!>>
-Designed for all collision meters(like BNWCS, CCS, XRPS, ECS etc.) and LLCS.
-MESH Model
-Real size weapon(with RESIZER).
-Low lag scripting.
-Custom sounds.
-Custom Animations(Recoil, Reloading, Stance, Angle, Sidestep and etc)
-Always keeps gun settings.
-Auto Update.
-Fully AO Controled(contains over 80 animations * 3 sizes)
-Dynamic kneeling.
-Dynamic reloading.
-Dynamic Switching Stances
-Selectable Optical Sights(SPECTOR, MicroDot, HoloSight).
-Selectable Stocks(Slide, Fixed)
-Selectable Forend(Normal, MOE)
-Selectable Color(Receiver, Optics, Stock, Forend, Pistol Grip).
-Realistic 9mm Mag Pouch Included.
<< Compatible With TonkTastic FDT Gloves!! >>
>> For FDT Gloves Users
- Main Gun detects and connects your FDT gloves automatically.
(NOTICE: FDT Gloves "On Duty" or "Complete" version is required, "CIvilian" is not supported)
TonkTastic - FDT Gloves(Complete):
TonkTastic - FDT Gloves(On Duty):
this feature will be activated next "draw" command when you attach gloves.
*if your can see multiple gloves hands, set neutral pose(top and center in Pose HUD) once.
Quick Kneeling:
you wil kneeling when holding PageDown key or C key, and you will stand up when you releasing Key.
Dual Magazine:
more quick reloading when you have reserve mag.
SAC MP5 Mags(LHand) v1.0???:
please attach(or "add") your left hand, just for fun.
Strobing Flash Light:
you can strobing flash light to target by "Flash" command.
you can sprinting when you off-mouselook mode, keeps 5 secs and 10 secs to re-charging.
(Dynamic Camera mode activate while sprinting)
you can switch stance "realtime" by "swap" command, Forend Grip or Magwell Grip.
Dummy Fire??:
in Preview menu, you can see "dummyfire" button, its firing preview for owner(its you),
when you previewing "Aim" stance, effects and anime started, try this for fun!!
(you can take picture of your own gun firing)
**Update History**
v2.12 - updated
fixed - minor issues
v2.11 - updated
fixed - minor issues
v2.10 - initial release
**Special Thanks**
and sll SSOC staff and SSOC 4th gunners, enjoy^^
See item in Second Life View Video »- •Detailed Mesh work. (see more images)
- •Low lag scripting
- •Designed for all Collision meters
- •Selectable Colors and Textures
- •Variable Gun Actions
A Modern Classic
This review is updated from the original Feb 10th, 2022 review. Issues mentioned with that version of the weapon platform were resolved shortly after posting. As of now, the MP5 is a completely solid, functional piece of hardware.
Things that may interest / concern you:
-Comes with the Active Mag Pouch. Shows a magazine being drawn from the pouch when loading. Available as a double or single pouch for ease of sizing.
-Side-by-side mag clip option allows a speed load every other magazine.
-Can be scaled up or down to fit most sizes. Animations in two sizes with an option for wearing body armor (or dad bod). Doesn't always play nice with skeletal distorted bodies (such as the Kemono) or max-height avatars.
-Modifications can be adjusted to fit size. (Stock length, Optic position, Fore Grip position)
-FX, RP and Raycast Bullets effective against most collision based targets, including classic Grim Combat System (GCS) zombies. (Rez rights required, works on collision GCS monsters only.)
-Cell Phone Tracker works! I recommend you click the link at the bottom of the Details tab that says View Video.
Great MP5.
TLDR: Great gun. I recommend it for casual or intermediate level LL Damage combat. If you're roleplaying, especially police or SWAT RP, LOOK NO FURTHER FOR AN MP5. This is your gun. But if you do a ton of LL damage combat, especially in more laggy sims, you will want something with a more consistent, clear reload timer.
Excellent quality. Plenty of customization features available; the number of options is staggering and too much to get into here. Suffice it to say that you can do about as much with this MP5 as you can do with an Escape From Tarkov MP5, and that's saying a lot. As a long time LL combat veteran, I am satisfied with this product aesthetically. The firing animations and effects are beautiful. Animations are solidly tactical.
Complaints? Two:
First, this MP5 has a slight delay (0.8-1.2 seconds) before you can fire after a reload animation, which removed one star from my score. This was tested in the following conditions:
* 50 ms stable sim latency
* 80 FPS
* 1.0 time dilation
* 22 ms total frame time
* 5 agents present
So, this delay exists even in ideal sim conditions. While not horrible on its own, this delay will only get longer in a sim loaded with twenty combatants dragging down the time dilation. I recommend the removal of a single second from the reload timer to compensate for this issue, because it will lead to battle performance deficits that are outside the control of the user.
Second, minor complaint. The notecard states that you can find magazine size under the "System" dialog menu. This is not the case. You will find this under "Options -> Accessory -> MagShape." This doesn't affect this product's score, but I was a little miffed and spent some time thinking a feature was accidentally lost in a version update.
Thanks for making this product. I use it a lot, much appreciated.
Looks great, sounds great.
Looks great, Sounds great, but the update removed the reason as to why i purchased it in the first place, being the MP5SD3 Configuration. Retained a lot of the cool features like the mag pouches and different mag shapes and stock choices, but the loss of the SD fore end kills it for me.
Great model as always.
Sounds however need improvement. This weapon sounds like an AK47 rather then an actual MP5. Sounds are fairly loud and somewhat irritating. This is to say the firing sounds of the weapon un-silenced. Below is a good example of a real life MP5 being fired.