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[MF] Bloody devored dead body Female corpse (boxed)

[MF] Bloody devored dead body Female corpse (boxed)

Make your land creepy, horrific and gruesome with this Bloody devored dead body Female corpse 100% Mesh!
You can find some other bloody corpse in the linked items listed section at the bottom page.

So scary and realistic, a bit gore, perfect for azylum, hospital, castle very well made with fine textures (diffuse,normal,specular).

This object is low prims land impact for detailled Bloody devored dead body Female corpse!
Very good level of details, even when you are far from the object.

This package includes:
- Mesh Bloody devored dead body Male corpse (12 prims)
- Mesh blood 1 ( 1 prim)
-Mesh blood 2 ( 1 prim)

Bump mapping, and diffuse texture for amazing three dimensional illusion using the power of diffuse, and normal maps.

If you like this product, dont forget to leave us a review! Thanks :)

For any questions contact MedievalFantasy

See item in Second Life
  • Bloody
  • devored
  • dead
  • body
  • Female corpse