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[MF] Majestic Wolf Trophy (boxed)

[MF] Majestic Wolf Trophy (boxed)

Experience the thrill of the wild in Second Life!

Immerse yourself in the beauty of nature

Don't miss out on this opportunity to unleash your inner predator! Get your Majestic Wolf Trophy today and let the hunt begin!

So fairy and realistic, perfect for winter manor, cottage and chalet and garden very well made with fine textures (diffuse,normal,specular).

This object is low prims land impact only 7 for a high detailled 100% Mesh Majestic Wolf
Very good level of details, even when you are far from the object.

This package includes:

- Mesh Majestic Wolf (6prims)
-Mesh wood support (1prims)

You can unlinke the wolf from the wood support

Bump mapping, specularity and diffuse texture for amazing three dimensional illusion using the power of specular, diffuse, and normal maps.

Come to visit our land you wont be disapointed.
You will be surprised how good SL can look!

If you like this product, dont forget to let us a review! Thanks :)

See item in Second Life
  • Majestic
  • Wolf
  • Trophy
  • Bumpiness (normal)
  • Shininess (specular)