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:: MG :: It's An Add-To-Cart Kinda Day - Gesture (with Sound)

:: MG ::  It's An Add-To-Cart Kinda Day - Gesture (with Sound)
:: MG ::  It's An Add-To-Cart Kinda Day - Gesture (with Sound)
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Fun Gesture with a Cutesy Female voice saying 'It's An Add-To-Cart Kinda Day'.

✱ Gesture is fully Modifiable to adjust or add animation if you wish
✱ Demo Gestures at the Inworld Store. Discounts are available for Group Members

☢ Please be aware as Viewers evolve and change over the years that not all decorative images and fonts may play as they did when created in Firestorm pre PBR (mostly the SL Viewer).

▮ If you have any issues, PLEASE reach out to Mandilena Loxely Inworld. I will always help where I am able to. Thank You.

L$ 25

Adding to cart as gift


☊ Mandilena Gestures ☊ Since 2011 ☊
☊ Mandilena Gestures ☊ Since 2011 ☊
Sold by: Mandilena Loxely

Unpacking Required

This item requires you to find a place in Second Life (like a Sandbox) to unpack and use it.

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