G General

MIDNIGHT PASSION MM-Type Advanced Board (Single Pak).

MIDNIGHT PASSION MM-Type Advanced Board (Single Pak).

If this device doesn't bring you more traffic and sales, nothing would. This much talked about and nicknamed "Midnite Patience" board is one of the most valuable business tools you may ever have. Pictures speak louder than words so look at the last two.

The MP's flexibility is way above any MM board you might have used before. All features may be instantly reconfigured during a run, either by modifying a configuration card or via commands on communication channel.

BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY, the Wait-To-Register feature lets you set a wait period. A slapper must wait in the room for that number of minutes to have a valid entry. This means that ALL traffic the board brings to your place is meaningful because while slappers wait they browse. Works like a charm!

This SINGLE PAK includes one non-copiable MP v.1 board, a full permissions MPV-SR vendor, and one non-copiable MPV interface script in case you want to use your own associated vendor.

The only difference between the MP v.1 and the MP v.2 is in size. The MP v.1 is a mini-board. In the picture you see it installed on the top of the associated vendor but the distance to the vendor doesn't matter; it could be hung on the wall anywhere within the sim.

If you intend to set Wait-to-Register you MUST purchase separately our TC-series Traffic Counter. See related items. You need only one TC-S counter, it will support any number and mixture of MP boards and Slap&Get boards.

This is not a case where it pays to be frugal. The Wait-to-Register feature is enormously powerful. If used wisely, it will increase your traffic severalfold and may significantly increase sales. Should you not implement this feature because it saves you a few hundred lindens on the TC counter you would do yourself a great disservice.

Use "See items in Second Life" link to see the MP boards in action in our store on the 1st and 2nd floors.

See related items for other available packages.
Also consider our Slap & Get board as a perfect companion (see related items).

- Administrative menu on touch by an authorized user.
- Autostart the next run as soon as the current one ends or at a scheduled hour.
- Configurable communication channel.
- Configuration changes via in-channel commands.
- Configurable No lock IM to entrants if a target is not reached (Rev 1.7 and higher)
- Detailed current state info retrievable by an authorized user via admin menu.
- End hour may be changed during the run.
- List of authorized users allowed to operate the MP.
- List of slappers' keys (uuid's) retrievable at any time during the run.
- List of slappers' names retrievable at any time during the run.
- Manual delivery at any time during the run.
- Manually start at any time, it will end at the scheduled end hour.
- No midnight! Schedule any runtime period starting/ending at any hour.
- Multi-day run spans up to 31 days (Rev 1.7 and higher)
- Optional consolation prize if the target is not reached.
- Optional dynamic target (target delta).
- Optional group tag requirement to enter.
- Set any target from 1 to 500, either static or dynamic.
- Slappers names/keys export capability (Rev 1.7 and higher)
- Three delivery modes:
-- scheduled product from the associated vendor's contents to all entrants.
-- same random product from the associated vendor's contents, to all entrants (shuffle)
-- different random product from the associated vendor's contents to each entrant (wheel of fortune)
- WAIT TO REGISTER period can be instantly modified during the run

See item in Second Life
  • Schedule a run starting/ending at any hour; multi-day run spans up to 31 days
  • Three delivery modes: specified product, shuffle, wheel of fortune
  • WAIT TO REGISTER FEATURE (TC-S Counter required)
  • Set any target from 1 to 500, either static or dynamic.
  • Optional consolation prize if no lock.