[M.O.R:butchershop] avatar info clicker
This is a product under the [M.O.R:butchershop] line, where I will release experimental products.
These items are not meant for the general user, as they may not meet current quality standards that people expect. However, they are useful to modders who are willing to accept a little imperfection and work in order to make a unique avatar.
YOU NEED TO KNOW HOW TO USE EDIT TOOLS TO USE THIS ITEM. Also, you need to know how to read directions, but if you are already reading this, that's not a concern.
This little tool is helpful for giving other users little bits of information about your avatar or character!
Fill the notecard with a short message, and anyone who clicks it will have this information read out to them privately. Multiple lines supported (but please don't abuse it.)
You can also change the scale and color of the effect by simply tinting and resizing the object.
You can change the icon by replacing the texture in the contents of the clicker with any of the provided textures - or use your own icons, it'll take whatever texture you put in there!
all the scripts and icons are full perm, but please read the notecard that comes with this item before handing the textures out. i don't really care if you use the scripts, they're mostly edited examples or very basic scripts.
* I made this for my sphinx and manticore avatars when going out into public places, so there are presets for those in the box that give out very basic information on these creatures. You can check the notecards in those for examples on how to add links.
the wizard hat man in this ad is my friend slim. you shouldn't bother him or he'll curse you and your bloodline and maybe also your mom
- tintable, resizable, takes whatever texture you want
- hovers over your head and readable at all angles.
- edit the notecard inside, and it will read it privately to anyone clicking.
What a neat little thing
Thank you for making this!