MP3 Jukebox Script (new lower price!)
No stream? Want to put music on your OWN land? With this script you can fake streaming with mp3s. Easy to modify, commented, full modify rights.
Ok, I have tried to make this script as simple as possible. There are features I could have added, but each one makes the script harder to understand. I want it to be Scripting Newbie friendly. Some scripting experience needed, but not much. :)
It is OK to put this script in things you sell, but PLEASE make the Mp3_Jukebox script no-mod after you get done with it. This protects you by protecting your URLs, AND me by protecting my script. This is the limit of the transfer license *I* give to you. I do not give you permission to share the script with anyone else except in this limited commercial way. Please respect this.
Some experience with web publishing assumed. :) If your filenames/urls have the space character in them, the script will have a hard time with them. (The internet uses the space character differently) This is a limitation of the internet. replace the space character with a %20 and you will be OK!
1) Go choose up to 25 mp3s out of your collection.
*WARNING* Most mp3s in your collection are sampled to levels which will smoke most web-servers. This can cause lag on those with lower bandwidth like DSL.
Best to grab your CDs and sample in low rez copies. If you don't have your CDs handy... *cough* *cough*
There is a wonderful tool out there called Audacity.
2) Upload them to a web server somewhere. Some web servers are Case Sensitive.
3) Make a prim on your property. The script will only work on property you OWN. (Not deeded group land, etc) ((workaround for groupland below)) Drop the MP3Juke script into the thing and open it.
4) change
string mainURL = "";
to the web server you have your mp3s on. be sure to add the trailing slash /
5) Play your mp3s in your favorite program. You are looking for the following information...
FN ... This is the part of the filename WITHOUT the .mp3
NM ... The name of the song.
ART ... The name of the artist
MN ... The number of minutes.
SC ... The number of seconds left over after the minutes are gone. I.E. 2:31 would be SC = 31
6) Fill in the blanks in each section of code (one for each song) inside the quotes if there are quotes..
Take a copy, then deed the object to group. Technically group land is not "owned" by anyone. Although group officers can change the media on the media tab, their objects can not. If the object has been deeded to the group, it will work, but will be very hard to modify. Ergo... the copy.
..... and so on.
You no longer have to worry about space characters in your mp3 names.
If over land you don't have music rights to, it will tell you so.
Now responds to group-click in additon to owner click.
Because I always make an effort to work with my customers on SlExchange, please IM me directly if there are any problems before you rate or review. Any feedback I get is usually immediately implemented in the documentation. I am very willing to work with paying customers
To that order, in spite of the fact that I already stated twice that you must OWN the land in the text above and the fact that the name of the product says "script" kind of impiles that it is just a script even if you are just scanning (like some customers do) ...
If you want product updates for this product visit myProduct Opt In Spot(70,49), and click on the eyeball looking thing.
Upon reading a review (below) it became clear to me that I need to emphasize that intend this for EASE OF EDITING BY NON CODERS and not "super efficient coding". For that I have the NOTECARD edition. Every coder has their own style and OPINIONS as to how other people should code.
mp3 audio jukebox playlist sound
Poor coding.. Simple as that.
There is absolutely no need for every single MP3 to have its very own state in the script..
I'm sorry, but this product is not worth the money. Don't buy it
I really love this script...
Helps me to play my selfmade MP3s easily on my land...
The Price is fully ok for this...
L$ 195
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- User Licensed