MSD - Down n' Out - Garden (27 LI) C/M
Morgan Sim Designs - Down n' Out - Garden
(27 LI) Copy/Modify No Transfer
A down on his luck fellow leans against a graffiti-ed concrete barrier with an ANIMATED rat picking at his leg. An old rusted car appears to have road up upon one corner and was left to rust. A full garbage dumpster is overflowing to the ground with an ANIMATED rat nibbling on a rotted food item. A rusted burning barrel sits near the car. A few old tires and rusted rims are laying about surrounded by a weed and thistle infested garden on both sides of the barrier.
Fire Barrel: Touch - ON/OFF
Rats: The ANIMATED rats must not be attached to anything or they will not work so I soft linked this garden to avoid a rez box.
Soft Link
1.) Go into edit mode.
2.) Drag what looks like a collection of little square boxes to the ground. Do not let go of the sections. Move into desired location and release. If you need to move it again, make sure you edit the garden and the two rats and move together.
Scripts: Copy Only