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MSD - Formal Garden Collection - Micah - Upright Strip - C

MSD - Formal Garden Collection - Micah - Upright Strip - C

Morgan Sim Designs - Formal Garden Collection - Micah - Upright Strip - C (31 LI) Copy/Modify No Transfer

A formal upright strip garden with three upright and three round shrubs along with lady's mantel, red roses, purple and white ground cover planted in a soft wave in front of the shrubs.

Strip Garden - A strip garden by design has a straight back planting allowing it to be placed against a wall or structure.

Formal Garden Collection - Micah
A coordinating garden collection containing a multitude of options for combinational design. All the gardens carry a central theme flower, the red rose with formal shrub(s) complimented by various flowers, plants and ground-cover that work well together. Each garden is diverse in design, size and foliage allowing the gardener to mix and match creating a personally designed landscape. The Formal Garden Collection - Micah is offered as individual gardens or can be purchased as a Fat Pack.