Morgan Sim Designs - Old Truck Garden - Oscar
(12 LI) Copy/Modify No Transfer
An old truck hauling flowers broke down. The pots dumped their dirt and the flowers grew into a garden. In time grasses and ferns sprouted here and there.
Please Note: Each plant and or flower may be color-toned to achieve a certain depth of color. If you decide to change a color or tone of a plant or flower, edit the linked set, then change or re-tone that particular plant or flower. If you tone the entire arrangement at once you will alter the overall look of the arrangement.
Perfect addition to my old farm! Thanks!
Gramps truck
I love all of MSD products. They are very well made and everything has such vibrant color. The old Truck Garden reminds me of my gramps back in the day. He had an old rusty car in the backyard and has all kinds of plants etc...growing in it. He said he just can't part with the truck!! Well done MSD!!!!!!!
Great rustic look
I bought this not long ago and placed it in a meadow. It looks amazing there. Very well made with great details. Price is affordable . Copy and mod also so whats not to like. Thanks for the awesome creation.
Exceedingly well done
The flower garden in the truckbed stands by itself as great arrangement of texture and color, put together with the rusted red truck this peice is a definate favorite of mine from an excellent creator.