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MSD - Tropical Palm Tree - Rock Gardens - Set of Five (15-22 LI) C/M Animated Palm Trees

MSD - Tropical Palm Tree - Rock Gardens - Set of Five (15-22 LI) C/M Animated Palm Trees

Morgan Sim Designs - Tropical Palm Tree - Rock Gardens - Set of Five (15-22 LI) Copy/Modify No Transfer

A set of five (5) tropical palm tree rock gardens. Each rock garden is different with individual ANIMATED palm trees from one tree to three trees per garden. Each garden is diverse in color with coordinating plants including the Frangipani trees.

The Frangipani , also known as the Hawaiian Lei flower, is native to warm tropical areas. It's associated with spring, new life, new beginning, or birth. Some people say it defines creation and recreation while at the same time also stands for paragon or flawlessness. In Hawaiian cultures, it symbolizes positive things and has been used in the making of leis and jewelry.