[MT] Ghost
This lil ghost is sure to be the perfect haunt for your home.
Ghost contains:
3 meshes (linked)
1 Example texture
2 shadow map textures
2 UV map textures
The land impact is 2 prims.
User License Agreement for Mystic Tiger:
By buying this package you agree with the following rights and restrictions:
You have the right to use the item for personal use.
You have the right to use the item for restricted commercial use.
You have the right to download the included UV template to one personal computer.
You have the right to use the UV template to make your own texture(s) for the mesh.
The use of Mystic Tiger products is limited to the world of Second Life.
When you use this mesh for commercial use, you have the obligation to disable or the 'transfer' option or the 'copy' option from the mesh, before putting it for sale.
You can sell the mesh as part of a bigger build that includes other objects or prims.
You can sell the mesh as stand alone object ONLY when you add your own textures.
You are not allowed to give away the stand alone object with full permissions for free to any other avatar.
You are not allowed to transfer the mesh with full perms to alts or business partners without asking permission from the creator.
- 1 Example Texture
- 2 UV Maps
- 2 AO Maps