The <MTR> Medicine Bottle is part of our role playing combat system.
You need to be wearing a <MTR> HUD to use the <MTR> Medicine Bottle. Free <MTR> HUDs are available inworld.
*Affects your HP max
*Easy to Use
*Realistic eating animation
*Hover text tells how much is left
How to Use:
1. Find the <MTR> Medicine Bottle in your inventory. Most likely, it will be in a folder labels <MTR>.
2. Rightclick/wear the <MTR> Medicine Bottle
3. The Medicine Bottle should appear in your Right hand. Click the Medicine Bottle to use
4. The Medicine Bottle has hover text above it, showing the uses left. When the hover text is 0 and red, rightclick/drop to delete from your hand and your inventory. You can also detach it and then delete it from inventory.
Your health max, or HP maximum, will go up everytime you click the Medicine Bottle and the animation plays. This product is used when your max health is low. This product is similar to food, but will raise your maximum health faster than regular food. If you were engaged in a feirce battle, and lost much health during the battle, you might want to goto your medicine man and get something that can raise your health faster than food. If you are in the middle of a battle and about to be killed or seriously wounded, using the Medicine Bottle will not keep you from dying. You would want to use the Health Pack HUD, or find a Health pack rezzer on the combat sim. Make sure that the rules of the rpg, or the players you are playing against agree to everyone using this device or something similar.
The Medicine Bottles can be transfered to friends or resold for a higher price inside of your RPG. For example, a doctor could purchases boxes of Medicine bottles and sell them individually to his virtual patients.
See item in Second Life View Video »- Part of the <MTR> Role Play Combat System
- Affects your HP max
- realistic eating animation
- Sculpty
- 8 uses, +25 HP max per use