Smallpacks inworld only. I don't raise prices for MP, and so appreciate inworld sales as I get 100% of the lindies.
The Modular Uniform and Armour System(MUAS) is heavily customizable with more than a dozen hideable parts on the vest, jumpsuit and helmet. Comes in 10+ camos(CadpatTW, Marpat TW+D+W, UCP, Navpat, M81, Multicam, Aheago +variations) and 10+ solid colours, which can be applied to the body armour, jumpsuit, or helmet seperately. Visor raises and lowers when clicked, and helmet rail mounted flashlight toggles on click.
Meshbody Legacy (Female and Male),
Maitreya Lara,
Ebody Reborn,
Belleza Jake
Might fit other bodies w/ alpha.
- Texture hud with 10+ camos, 10+ solid colours
- many hideable parts in hud
- modifiable
Breathtakingly bad. Low poly. Carefully placed lighting in the advertisement photo hides how poorly meshed this is. To top it off. No auto alpha function for the reborn body (Not tested on other bodies) Textures are poor quality. NOT worth the 9 USD worth of linden spent on this. This is 500L. Tops. Heavily regret purchasing. Granted 2 stars under the assumption this is the creators first time meshing.
Tried this bundle for my gal, really love how it works, thank you for making this!!