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This is a RIGGED item
This armor was made awhile back before a beloved sim named Tenoch Basin was shut down. It was intended to be a gift for the sim owners to give to their community, however the sim had been shut down due to IRL struggles before the release was able to be done. So that the effort was not wasted, and the previous sim owners could receive some aid, this armor has been repurposed as a listed here with all L$ earned going towards the Tenoch Basin owners.
Green Gold
Such a beautiful and unique place. A green gem int he hearts of many. The lore was so fun, the community would gather for karaoke every week and sing to keep the monster under the lands at bay. There was a time after the singing one night where we all played kick ball in different fun ways.
I dove in and it was a blast.
This place was run by kind, talented people and there were always new ideas popping up. I can't wait for their newest venture.
See you there!
Tenoch will live forever
I will never forget tenoch karaoke and group therapy. Still tryng for another sim to take both events.
It's such a shame that Tenoch is gone! This armor is beautiful and definitely brings that feeling back of the setting the sim held. Thank you for this armor to remind us of it. It's also very nice for Kirin Tribes :D