G Général

MaiOwn! Oblivious - Ondines

MaiOwn! Oblivious - Ondines

This is an old product on discount.

If you have any additional questions after reading the information below please contact MaiOwn Resident.

1. Make sure you use a MESH viewer as the hair is mesh and rigged.

2. Our Products aren't modifiable nor transferable.

3. The hair isn't resize-able because it is RIGGED mesh. Multiple sizes are now included in each package.
Make sure to try each size to see which suits you the best!

4. Textures and hair are hand drawn, 100% custom and the property of MaiOwn Resident.

5. Purchases are not refundable. Make sure to try our DEMO packs which always contain ALL colors.

6. Redelivery system now available at Mainstore!

7. All MaiOwn! products are the creative property of MaiOwn!, they may only be sold @ MaiOwn!'s Mainstore and not by anyone else than maiown.resident.
MaiOwn! products may only be used inside Second Life.

8. a larger breasts fitting size is available ("busty")

9. We now use HUDS to change colors

10. You are welcome to subscribe at our Mainstore to stay updated with us!

Kind Regards,


  • cute mesh hair
  • studious mesh hair
  • prude mesh hair