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Makokoi . Kyrie's Event Booths

Makokoi . Kyrie's Event Booths

Introducing ♡♡ Kyrie's Event Booths ♡♡ -

The perfect way to showcase your products or brand with style and charm!

This booth is not only adorable, but it's also practical, with a low impact on your event or retail space.

Only 1LI-6LI at full size. You can create a beautiful display without sacrificing valuable space.

The booth comes with:
- 4 textured Booths
- "BUY" mesh words in 4 textures
- "FAT PACK" mesh words in 4 textures
- A clothing bar in 4 textures
- PBR Enabled & Material Enabled

And with its copy/mod feature, you can use it vertically or horizontally and scale it to fit your specific needs.

Please note, this booth is not scripted, but its versatility and cuteness more than make up for it!

Let ♡♡ Kyrie's Event Booth ♡♡ elevate your display to the next level!


To see this product visit my store in-world.

♡Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/190695959@N06/
♡Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MakokoiSL/
♡Primfeed: https://www.primfeed.com/makokoiresident

Group: secondlife:///app/group/5c5b3131-30fe-81e2-b25f-8bed5966205d/about

♡♡Support & Refund information♡♡

All sales are final, No refunds, please try DEMOs prior to purchasing any clothing or shoes
For support use my google form: https://forms.gle/yu7wo24mxUwvgnWz9

See item in Second Life