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Mapledew - Fulton Recovery System Version beta rev007b

Mapledew - Fulton Recovery System

Update: June 20th 2018
We've migrated to a new update system. You can update to the new version by visiting any CasperVend terminal (from ANY merchant.)

-- Please view our demonstration video at the bottom! --

The Fulton Recovery System is a HUD that allows you to strap a fulton balloon to anyone you fancy, hoisting them by their knickers, and launching them into the sky where they dangle waiting for pickup!
The HUD has a 9m effective range, and allows you to dynamically adjust for avatar size right up until your unsuspecting victims are launched into the sky.

1 of 5 random screams will be played when being fultoned.
Screams are mutable using the speaker icon on the HUD. When muted, all other sounds will still play as normal.

This item is RLV optional!
If the target is wearing a relay set to auto, they will be automatically fultoned with no input required.
If they are not using RLV, or their RLV is set to ask, it will ask the target to attach, then fulton them as normal.

Please note that this item requires rez permission to function.


Update History:

rev007a (June 27th 2018)
Fixed an issue with rez rights on no copy objects.

rev007a (June 20th 2018)
- Fixed an issue where the first fulton rezzed sometimes would not see the target correctly, requiring a second fulton to be launched.
- Converted to the new CasperVend update system after the old update system (HippoVEND) went out of service.

rev005b (October 4th 2015)
- Fixed an issue where unicode characters were causing the script to error with "Buttons cannot be more than 24 characters long."
- Added an update card to easily allow future updates. I've sent out update cards to all previous purchasers - if you did not receive a card, please contact Mabarial Resident.

View Video »
  • Fulton your friends!
  • Fulton yourself!
  • HUD with 9m range!
  • Size adjustment, works with any avatar!
  • RLV supported, but not required!
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Extracting the specialist Soldier
full star full star full star full star full star Posted July 27, 2016 by XiaXiia

There is a specialist soldier in this region we need him / her back at mother base.

Such great fun

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You need rez permission
full star full star full star empty star empty star Posted March 06, 2016 by kruiser Arcana

This is not something I was aware of when buying this and I think it should be mentioned. i'll give it 3 stars and I haven't tried it yet, so this is just extra info for people wanting to buy it.

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Absolutely Amazing!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted January 15, 2016 by Neramy

This is a piece of work that Big Boss would be proud of! It may not be modifiable, but in all honesty it's a picture perfect replica of the Fulton Recovery Device and it shouldn't need to be modified. Not when it gives the user that nostalgia they could once only get in MGS itself.

I hope to see more gadgets from this creator soon because her work will be well sought after in the near distant future.

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So much fun.
full star full star full star full star full star Posted December 03, 2015 by Eric Dielli

My only wish is that it went higher :D

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So close...
full star full star full star full star empty star Posted October 19, 2015 by vismund Divisadero

I think a whole lot of people would appreciate this if it were modifiable. That being said, even if it isn't modify, It would be awesome if the creator adds something resembling quiet's fulton animation on the 'Fulton Self' option in the next update... Please?

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You're bringing *him?*
full star full star full star full star full star Posted October 04, 2015 by Zanden Dimitriaski

When unsuspecting people with full RLV enabled are near, they fear the moment that someone opens a can of whoop-extraction.
(Sadly all random people I found had full E stats.)

Only issues I've had are the lack of modability and a script error that was fixed the very next day.
Completely worth the purchase, creator is on the ball with patches...no pun intended.

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